Founder, Judy Danielson
Health Market Planning founder, Judy Danielson recognizes the challenges that growing organizations face in health markets. The market is flush with products, services and ideas on how to change the health care system to create better experiences, build loyal relationships, lower costs, improve outcomes and engage consumers and patients in their health.
It’s hard to stand out in such a busy and fragmented market filled with so many innovations, ideas, and brands.
Judy has been in health market strategy and research for over 15 years and has been part of the remarkable transformation that has been taking place during that time. Judy developed deep market research and analytic skills at International Data Corporation and BankBoston before moving to market strategy and consumer engagement for Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
As Vice President with Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield during the shift to consumer-centricity and patient engagement, Judy knows the challenges and importance of moving from strategy to implementation in organizations that compete in fast moving and highly regulated markets.
Judy serves on the board of the Society for Participatory Medicine, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the Participatory Medicine movement in which patients and healthcare professionals actively collaborate and encourage one another as full partners in health. Judy is also active with the Massachusetts Health Quality Partners organization and serves on the consumer council.